These replicas are currently available. Consist of unique works, modelled and handpainted by me.
"The development of my sculptures has, as a previous step, a morphological study of the species in question, completed with the widest possible collection of photos, videos and behavioral studies. In the specific case of the Pleistocene fauna, I'm based on the paleontological findings (the exceptional and impressive frozen and mummified species in remote areas of Siberia or Canada). The representations in caves and human settlements are also fundamental to see the color of fur and the real appearance of these animals extinct today.
A scale drawing (usually 1:20), serves as a reference for not losing the shape and the actual proportion of the animal. The modeling is made with a clay that is hardened with heat, applied on a wire core. I make a silicone mold of the original figure and extrude copies of polyurethane resin. Each original has a limited number of copies and each one is retouched or prepared and hand-painted with acrylics. A special packaging and a signed card, that certifies the authenticity and the copy number, cames with each figure ".
"The development of my sculptures has, as a previous step, a morphological study of the species in question, completed with the widest possible collection of photos, videos and behavioral studies. In the specific case of the Pleistocene fauna, I'm based on the paleontological findings (the exceptional and impressive frozen and mummified species in remote areas of Siberia or Canada). The representations in caves and human settlements are also fundamental to see the color of fur and the real appearance of these animals extinct today.
A scale drawing (usually 1:20), serves as a reference for not losing the shape and the actual proportion of the animal. The modeling is made with a clay that is hardened with heat, applied on a wire core. I make a silicone mold of the original figure and extrude copies of polyurethane resin. Each original has a limited number of copies and each one is retouched or prepared and hand-painted with acrylics. A special packaging and a signed card, that certifies the authenticity and the copy number, cames with each figure ".
The figure is delivered with the tusks NOT GLUED
Harpagornis Moorei / Haast´s eagle model and Dinornis Robustus / Giant moa model in 1/20 scale / Scene/ (L:mm, H:mm) / 2023
235€ (painted and glued)
The figures are delivered NOT GLUED
Otodus megalodon made in 1/20 scale / megalodon scene / (L:330 mm, H:155mm) / 2021
314€ (painted)